Saturday 18 September 2021

How To Create Remix Song Part-1

Step 1:- create a Acapella To You are Song.

Stap 2:- drag and drop Acapella you are Mix Track. 

Stap 3:- Find a Acapella Bpm And Macha Bpm Track. 

Stap 4:- Create a Baet Pattern. 

Stap 5:- Maching Baet Pattern To Acapella. 

Stap 6:- Create Breck Pattern. 

Satp 7:- Mastering To Main Track. 

                                Thank you🙏

Step-by-Step Remix Song Tutorial: Creating Your Own Unique Tracks

  Step-by-Step Remix Song Tutorial: Creating Your Own Unique Tracks Introduction Basic Tools and Software Identifying the Elements and Struc...